Newcastle University is trialling new technology to help patients suffering from Parkinson's disease live more independently by reminding them to swallow, speak up and take their medication
Google Glass is being used by people suffering from Parkinson’s disease in a groundbreaking experiment to see if the technology can help improve their day-to-day lives.
The technology, which is not yet available in Britain, reminds the patients to take their medication, contacts relatives in an emergency and can even prevent debilitating episodes of paralysis – known as ‘freezing.’
The system works like a hands-free smartphone, displaying information on the lens of the Glass. It is voice-operated and linked to the internet.
Doctors at Newcastle University have created a programme that helps control behaviour associated with Parkinson's, such as reminding the individual to speak up or to swallow to prevent drooling.
“The beauty of this research project is we are designing the apps and systems for Glass in collaboration with the users so the resulting applications should exactly meet their needs,” said Dr John Vines of the School of Computing Science
"What was really encouraging from this early study was how well our volunteers took to the wearable technology and the factthat they could see the potential in it."
Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological condition affecting around 127,000 people in Britain, one in 500.
It effects motor symptoms and can cause the muscles to go rigid, tremor or slow down which affects balance, gait and arm and facial movements.
‘Motor blocks’ affect people's legs during walking causing them to 'freeze'; speech and voice are typically affected in terms of volume and clarity and the automatic swallowing mechanism is switched off so individuals often drool.
PhD student Roisin McNaney, a speech and language therapist, said the big challenge is finding technology that is not only useful to people but is also discreet.
"People with Parkinson's are already coping with so much and one of the main causes of social isolation is the stigma around behaviours such as drooling and tremor which they have no control over.
"The last thing we want is a system of cueing which is so obvious it adds to people's overall embarrassment.”
Ken Booth, 56, from County Durham, who was first diagnosed with Parkinson's in 1991 has been trialling the new system.
"They're just fantastic. The potential for someone with Parkinson's is endless. For me the biggest benefit was confidence. When you freeze your legs stop working but your body carries on moving forward and it's easy to fall.
"Because Glass is connected to the internet you can link it to computers and mobile phones. So if you're alone you just have to look through the Glass and carers, friends or relatives will be able to see exactly where you are and come and get you. Or you just tell it to call someone and it rings them."
Using it as a medication reminder is another of the applications the Newcastle University team is looking at.
"The drugs don't cure Parkinson's, they control it so it's really important to take the medication on time," said Mr Booth.
"I was taking two or three different drugs every two hours, different combinations at different times of the day; some with water, some with food, the instructions are endless. Having a reminder that is literally in your face wherever you are and whatever you are doing would really help.
Lynn Tearse, 46, a retired teacher who was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2008, added: “eople would probably say you can do all these things on a smartphone but actually, with Parkinson's, negotiating a touch screen is really difficult.
"It's not just the tremor. During a 'down time' when the medication is starting to wear off and you're waiting for the next lot to kick in it can be like trying to do everything wearing a pair of boxing gloves. Your movements are very slow and your body won't do what you want it to."
Miss Tearse said Google Glass could also be hugely helpful to unlock the brain when is 'freezes'.
"No-one really understands why it happens," explains Lynn, "but it happens when the flat surface in front of you breaks up or the space in front of you narrows such as a doorway. Revolving doors are particularly bad.
"Your legs gradually freeze up and the difficulty is getting started again. The brain seems to need a point beyond the blockage to fix on and people use different things.
“This is where Glass could really make a difference."
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