Thursday, February 24, 2011

Neat Algorithms - Flocking

In this post I’ll explain and demonstrate an algorithm that simulates a group of entities grouping together, illustrating something called “flocking”. I think it’s quite neat because the flock exhibits some complex collective intelligence when just a few simple governing rules are applied to each entity. The original flocking algorithm was developed by Craig Reynolds in 1986, and has some super cool real world applications:

  • Computer animation. Batman Returns (1992) is widely quoted as having been nominated for an Oscar for its bat swarms which were procedurally generated using algorithms similar to these.
  • Social network simulation and modeling opinion flow. After choosing humans as the entities in the flock, the overall direction of the flock can be estimated using the rules that apply to the simple flock model, and people’s future opinions can be predicted. See Gamasutra’s stupendous article on the subject.
  • Aerospace engineering. By sending UAVs on missions in flocks they are able to more effectively complete their missions and react to enemy events. See one paper and another on the subject.
  • Distributed systems analysis, search, and optimization. By modeling things like spacial data, network traffic, or solutions to an optimization problem as entities, the direction of the flock can be used to find clusters, where to push traffic, or optimal solutions.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Clear cydia cache

1. Connect & ssh to your iPhone and iPod Touch

2. Now go to /private/var/lib/apt/lists

3. Delete all the files in /root/private/var/lib/apt/lists/ except for the partial subfolder.

Do not delete Partial folder

and you done

Friday, February 4, 2011

Remove Cydia Sources through SSH

If you added a source that causes Cydia to crash, this is the thread for you. This will help you remove the buggy source you added.

You will need an ftp/sftp client. [WinSCP for Windows/Cyberduck for Mac]

1. SSH into your iPhone/iPod, hopefully you know how to do that.

2. Go to the root of your iPhone/iPod [/].

3. Navigate to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cydia.list

4. Download the Cydia.list to your computer and open it using any text editor.

5. Delete the source you added. For example, "deb ./" if this is the source you want to delete, simply delete that one line. NOT THE WHOLE DOCUMENT. Make sure you save the document as is. We are NOT adding any extensions.

6. Drag the saved document into the sources.list.d folder and replace the file.

7. Respring.


And today is the big day the hacke for iphone 4.2.1

download it from

yes the site is crashing but it will back in minute

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How to redirect ssh output Session into main screen terminal in iphone

first we need to install the pkg screen

1. apt-get install screen

2. then in the iphone terminal using mobile or root user we run : screen -S SessionName in the ssh Session using the same username we run : screen -x username/SessionName.

-- Troubleshoot

if you get some think like these after runing more than one Session :

error0327s-iPhone:~ mobile$ screen -x mobile/main
There are screens on:
2037.main (Private)
2043.main (Private)
There is no screen to be attached matching main.

you need to enter the full new SessionName -- >

error0327s-iPhone:~ mobile$ screen -x mobile/2037.main