Sunday, October 31, 2010

Flexible Mobile !! why NOT

Flexible battery

Recently developed a new technology for constructing the elements of power, which will make the battery flexible and, obviously, largely change the face of portable devices. New ultra-thin lithium-ion batteries are actually based on a sheet of paper - this way achieved properties such as flexibility and light weight. The results of the research were published in the journal ACS Nano scientists from Stanford University. According to the presented materials, the thickness of the ne
w batteries can reach 300 micrometers. In doing so they have a high energy density and have functional advantages over other types of thin batteries. In order to create new batteries, Stanford experts on materials with hard base surface with a thin film of carbon nanotubes on top of which was covered by a layer of metal-based lithium. Thereafter, the resulting structure was placed on both sides of an ordinary sheet of paper. Thus, a layer of lithium acts as an electrode, while the nanotu
bes will play the role of the current collector. In turn, the paper provides separation of the electrodes, as well as mechanical support. Of course, the onset of gadgets with similar batteries will have to wait but, nonetheless, it is nice to imagine what they might be.


"E-skin" from Nokia

Engineers from the Nokia Research Center and Cambridge produced the first prototypes of the so-called "e-skin» (electronic skin) - printed circuit boards of a flexible material, with the touchpad. Conductor was obtained by vacuum deposition of gold. Such fees will be used for the production of wearable electronics. You may be able, for example, sew in clothing or put on the brush, like a rubber bandage. New material like rubber and can stretch up

to 20% without damaging the electronic components.


Flexible display technology electrowetting

Company Liquavista, known for its developments in the field of displays was noted by another achievement in this field. Officially announced innovations introduced so far in the form of prototypes are the first flexible displays based on electrowetting effect. Based on it, you can create displays with extremely low power, capable at the same time show the lively bright colors and work with video. This is achieved thanks to the similar effect of changes in surface properties with respect to water under the influence of an electric current. Note that in the new development Liquavista standard glass layer is replaced by a flexible substrate, which makes this display is quite elastic and allows it to bend in different directions. In this case all the above-mentioned useful properties of displays based on electrowetting effect, including low power consumption and the possibility of a demonstration video, are stored. Furthermore, such displays are resistant to external influences, such as strokes and falls. Such displays may well find application in future samples, portable electronics, including electronic books.


Flexible Mobile !!

That is it !! ,that all we need to make a flexible mobile or laptop so ..
what we waiting for :)

Optical Drive 1 TB

Company TDK have developed a prototype optical disc volume in 1 TB. The disc contains 16 layers on each side of the disk, and each of them can write 32 GB of data. If you watch the race, optical drives, you probably remember the prototype of Pioneer's 400 GB and even 500 GB, up to now this figure has remained the record. As for the new development TDK, that the creators did not say directly that this drive Blu-ray, although it is made from virtually the same materials and can work with the same laser beam. About the commercialization TDK claims that it will depend on producers.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Hackers Underground Handbook

The Hacker’s Underground Handbook will guide you through password hacking, windows hacking, malware, phising, web hacking, network hacking and Linux (intro, installation, etc). All this material fully packed with images, thus being a top step-by-step guide, on the course of which you cannot fail. The Hacker’s Underground Handbook which contains information unknown to 99.9% of the world will teach you the hacker’s ways.

A great starting book which will guide you in the right direction, helping you understand the basic concepts of computer security and matters that you should take in consideration.

How will the skills uncovered in this handbook affect me?

- You will learn all the hackers underground tricks and learn to apply them in real world situations.
- You will be put into a hackers mindset and learn to think like one.
- By Learning how a hacker thinks and acts, you will be able to protect yourself from future hack attacks.
- You will aquire knowledge nonexistant to 99.9% of the people in the world!
- This Underground handbook may get you interested in pursuing a career as an Ethical Hacker.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The First hack of Modu Mobile by me

it is soooo easy to hack these devise because you can just remove hes memory and connect it to a computer !!! , yes the is all , the modu memory including the system files on Micro SD card !! : that what i did for fun -

hehehe My TUX INSIDE !!!

The Modu System files SDA1 : Download .

and using "dd if=/dev/sdb3 of=sdb3 bs=1048676^C" we got sdb3 : Download .

keys : modu hacking JACKET הפלאפון הקל ביותר בעולם פריצת פריצה מודו

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The tip of the day "sudo !!"

the tip of the day : "sudo !!" ,
will , that happened that you try to install some think like apt-get install some-think .
and you get error ? because you are not the root user , so you can just try "sudo !!" after that , and he will repeat the last command using root permission cool haa :)

how to run a GUI application throw SSH using X11

soo all we need is first to install the ssh server on the server - machine we like to control so -

1. sudo su
2. apt-get install openssh-server

now back to our machine

using the ssh :

1. ssh -V -X username@the-server-ip
2. enter the password

and that is it now we can run any GUI application that install on the server using his CPU cycles
yahhhh great !!

for example lets run WireShark :

3. gksudo wireshark &

now all that if we runing tow Linux machines !! but what windows users that like to run a linux app??! !!

soo we need it tow applications

1. putty you can get it here :

2.Xming you can get it here :

ok so first we need to install Xming , and after that we going to use butty
but we need to cheak Enable X11 forwarding in
connection -- > SSH -- > X11 >> Enable x11 forwarding .

and that is it free to run any linux application on windows using SSH .
have fun :)