There is an entire science devoted to how humans interact when looking at a page. Large advertisers have spent millions learning the exact wording for the ad, where to place it, how large it should be, and even what color. As a blogger, you don’t really care that much; nor do you have the time to become a psychology expert. However you do need to experiment and test to learn how to increase Adsense clicks. After all, an ad spot on your blog is valuable real estate. If it’s not getting enough clicks, you need to rethink your strategy.
Some people smother their blog in ads. I have seen blogs with sidebars on either side and ads from top to bottom, most of them flashing messages. I have even seen blogs still putting ads into their content stream.
Not The Best Adsense Strategy
Imagine if you go into a room to talk to someone and 15 people surround you; talking to you all at once. After a few seconds, you would become so frustrated you would probably scream, “SHUTUP!”
What if you walked into a store and asked one clerk about the new fridge models and 10 other clerks surrounded you trying to tell you about other products you weren’t interested in?
Placing a ton of ads everywhere is not going to increase your click-through rate. You will have a much better chance at getting people to click your ads if they are easily seen, not crowded, and are relevant to your readers.
How To Increase Adsense Clicks
Less is More (If done correctly)
Google allows you to put 3 Adsense ads on each page of your website. Just because they allow it, doesn’t mean that you should do it. If you do decide to put all three on your pages, you need to figure out what works best.
Sometimes having one dedicated, highly visible areas for ads can increase Adsense clicks easily.
If you’re not getting enough click-throughs, try removing all your ads except one. Put it in a highly visible area of your blog. See if you get an increase in clicks per impressions.
Put Your Ads Above the Fold
Forget about the big, long banner ads in your header. Most of the time those go ignored and they make your site design look like an infomercial from the jewelry channel. Making your website look like a cheap commercial is not how to increase Adsense clicks.
Don’t bury your ads on the bottom of the sidebar or surround them with clutter. Allow them to stand out, and let your visitors see them when they get the first look at your site.
Try placing an ad high up on your sidebar, or above the content of you posts.
Forget Image and Flash Ads
This is the best advice anyone ever gave me. I used to think that Google Ads made my site look more populated and that image ads were more attractive to customers .
I was wrong
The image ads are very pretty most of the time, but they display one product. Text ads, on the other hand, display multiple products with eye-catching headlines.
When you setup your ads in Adsense, you can choose if you want media rich ads, text ads, or both. Someone told me how to increase Adsense clicks was to do away with the media rich ads and go with text ads only.
All I can say is, it works. If you want to know how to get more Adsense clicks, try going for one month with only text ads on your website. Monitor the amount of clicks to the amount of impressions.
With text ads, you will see quite a bump in the click-through rate.
What Not To Do With Your Adsense Ads
Google protects its customers and, more importantly to them, their own interests from people who would game the system just to make a profit. It’s in Google’s best interest to make sure the websites its software is promoting is legitimate, and valuable websites.
Practicing shady techniques may be how to increase Adsense clicks in the short-term, but it will stunt your real growth. If you practice shady behavior to increase your Adsense clicks, you will eventually be banned, and your website may be de-indexed by Google. If you get de-indexed, or penalized, that means little to no organize searches coming to your website.
Don’t ask people to click on your ads.
Don’t suggest ad clicking for supporting your site.
Don’t exchange ad clicks with others.
Don’t click your own ads.
Don’t use bots and/or other software to click ads.
Don’t use scripts that automatically click the ads per so many impressions
Don’t get discouraged, Adsense success takes a while to build.
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